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What is the best PHP email track opens class?: Track emails sent

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What is the best PHP email track opens class?


Picture of Daniel Herrera by Daniel Herrera - Yesterday (2016-10-03)

Track emails sent

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I have to design a newsletter but I need to know the status of the email sent.

I need to know if the email has been received, opened or rejected. Is there a package that allow me know this?

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1 Recommendation

Web Tracker: Track site user accesses with a MySQL database

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 15455 - 9 hours ago (2016-10-05) Comment

This class can track the email opens using a URL for a beacon image.

If a message was not rejected, you can count it as received. As for rejected, you need to set the message return path to a specific email address. Then you can poll the email address mailbox for instance using a POP3 component and process the bounced message.

Here is an article that explains how you can deal with incoming email messages in PHP like bounces.

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Daniel Herrera by Daniel Herrera - 1 hour ago (2016-10-05) Reply

    Thanks for the help, i'm checking the process before start coding, i also need to choose a class that allow me send email with embedded image and ccs. i've been reading the blog about it, but i need to use one corporative e-mail account, wich works on Exchange Server. do i need an specific class? or can i use any and authenticate and connect with the server using another class?

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