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PHTML::Template v2: PHP template compiler engine

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phtmltemplate_2 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...Templates


This class is a new major release of PHTML::Template PHP template compiler engine.

It features the following changes according to this legend:

+ Added, - Removed, * Changed, ! Bugfix

+ Added support for SWITCH/CASE statements
+ Added md5 support for generating cache files names
+ Added compiled template code cleanup and garbage collection
+ Added 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP' and 'VERSION' placeholders
* PHP-native include used instead of template merging
* Regular expressions optimized
* Cache files manipulation do not use flock() function now
! Added support for 'LOOP' variables type checking

Picture of Gregory
Name: Gregory <contact>
Classes: 9 packages by
Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation
Age: 48
All time rank: 1225 in Russian Federation Russian Federation
Week rank: 200 Down8 in Russian Federation Russian Federation Down
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


================================================================ PHTML::Template v2.0 (c) gregory A. Rozanoff, 2004, 2005 ================================================================ version 2.0 + Added, - Removed, * Changed, ! Bugfix, ? Unstable or testing feature + Added 'SWITCH...CASE' statement + Added md5 support for cache files names + Added compiled template code cleanup and garbage collection + Added 'TIME', 'TIMESTAMP' and 'VERSION' placeholders * PHP-native include used instead of stupid template merging ;) * Regular expressions optimized * Cache files manipulation now 'flockless' ! 'LOOP' variables type checking added ================================================================ Constants: ================================================================ GZIP gZIP support for output DEBUG Debug mode on (cache disabled) ================================================================ Placeholders: ================================================================ VARIABLE placeholder: <TMPL_VAR variable> ---------------------------------------------------------------- TIME placeholder: <TMPL_TIME format_string> a - "am" or "pm" A - "AM" or "PM" d - day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros; i.e. "01" to "31" D - day of the week, textual, 3 letters; i.e. "Fri" F - month, textual, long; i.e. "January" h - hour, 12-hour format; i.e. "01" to "12" H - hour, 24-hour format; i.e. "00" to "23" g - hour, 12-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "12" G - hour, 24-hour format without leading zeros; i.e. "0" to "23" i - minutes; i.e. "00" to "59" j - day of the month without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "31" l - day of the week, textual, long; i.e. "Friday" L - boolean for whether it is a leap year; i.e. "0" or "1" m - month; i.e. "01" to "12" n - month without leading zeros; i.e. "1" to "12" M - month, textual, 3 letters; i.e. "Jan" s - seconds; i.e. "00" to "59" S - English ordinal suffix, textual, 2 characters; i.e. "th", "nd" t - number of days in the given month; i.e. "28" to "31" U - seconds since the epoch w - day of the week, numeric, i.e. "0" (Sunday) to "6" (Saturday) Y - year, 4 digits; i.e. "1999" y - year, 2 digits; i.e. "99" z - day of the year; i.e. "0" to "365" Z - timezone offset in seconds (i.e. "-43200" to "43200") ---------------------------------------------------------------- TIMESTAMP placeholder: <TMPL_TIMESTAMP> ---------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION placeholder: <TMPL_VERSION> ---------------------------------------------------------------- INCLUDE placeholder: <TMPL_INCLUDE template_name> ================================================================ Control-flow statements: ================================================================ LOOP statement: <TMPL_LOOP array> LOOP body </TMPL_LOOP> ---------------------------------------------------------------- [IF|UNLESS]...ELSE statements: <TMPL_[IF|UNLESS] variable> IF (UNLESS) statement <TMPL_ELSE> ELSE statement </TMPL_[IF|UNLESS]> ---------------------------------------------------------------- SWITCH...CASE statement synatx: <TMPL_SWITCH variable> DEFAULT section <TMPL_CASE value> CASE ection ... </TMPL_SWITCH> ================================================================

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Plain text file Class lib/
Accessible without login Plain text file inc.tpl Data templates/inc.tpl
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.txt Doc. readme.txt
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example test.php
Accessible without login Plain text file test.tpl Data templates/test.tpl
Accessible without login Plain text file winki.css Data css/winki.css

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