include ('template.inc');
include ('variable.inc');
* Nanou Morgan Web http://www.vmedia.com.au
* NoticeBoard version 1.1 Personal Web http://www.nanou.com.au
* January 2001 Email: [email protected]
$title ="List Most Recent Postings";
$today = date("Ymd");
$content .="<P><font face=\"Helvetica,Arial,Geneva\"><font size=\"2\"><b>$title</b></font><br>
Display the latest entries that are <select name=\"Length\" size=\"1\">";
if ( (!isset($Length)) ||($Length ==01) ){$Length=01;$content .= "<option value=\"01\" selected>1 month</option><option value=\"02\">2 month</option><option value=\"03\">3 month</option>";}
elseif ($Length ==02){$content .= "<option value=\"01\">1 month</option><option value=\"02\" selected>2 month</option><option value=\"03\">3 month</option>";}
elseif ($Length ==03){$content .= "<option value=\"01\">1 month</option><option value=\"02\">2 month</option><option value=\"03\" selected>3 month</option>";}
$content .="</select> Old. <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Go\"><br><hr><ul>";
$lines = file ($noticeB_file);
for ($L=0; $L< count ($lines);$L++){
$entry = explode("\t" , $lines[$L]);
for ($k=0; $k<count($entry); $k++) {
$digitM =substr("$today",4,2);
$YYYY =substr("$today",0,4);
$digit=$digitM - $Length;
if($digit <= 00){ $YEAR = $YYYY - 1;$MONT= 12 + $digit;}
else {$YEAR = $YYYY; $MONT= $digit;}
if ($MONT <10){$MONTH ="0".$digit;} else {$MONTH =$MONT;}
$EndTime = "$YEAR"."$MONTH".date("d");
if ($entry[0] > $EndTime ){
$CategoryN = strtr($entry[2], "_", " ");
$AN =substr("$entry[0]",0,4);
$MOIS =substr("$entry[0]",4,2);
$JOUR =substr("$entry[0]",6,2);
$content.= "<font face=\"Helvetica,Arial,Geneva\"><font size=\"2\"><b>$CategoryN</b>:
<a href=\"list.html?Category=$entry[2]&ID=$entry[1]\">$entry[6]</a> - <i>(Posted on : $JOUR-$MOIS-$AN)</i></font></font><br>";
else {$content.="";}
if (($i ==0)&&($Length==01)){$content.="There are no entries that are one month old";}
if (($i ==0)&&($Length==02)){$content.="There are no entries that are two months old";}
if (($i ==0)&&($Length==03)){$content.="There are no entries that are three months old";}
/* parse to template */
$t = new Template( $path);
// create a template object named $t
$t->set_file( "MyFileHandle", "$template");
// set MyFileHandle = our template file
$t->set_var(array( "TITLE" => $title,
"FOOTER" => $bot,
"CONTENT" => $content));
// set template variable
$t->parse( "MyOutput", "MyFileHandle");
// set template variable MyOutput = parsed file
$t->p( "MyOutput"); // output the value of MyOutput (our parsed data)