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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/helpers/functions.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/helpers/functions.php
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<?php /** * Convenience function for test hook. * If you added the proper Writer class, the facade should be able * to automatically load it, i.e. \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\MyWriter * * @global array $ini * * @param string $name name of the connection (key) * @param string $dsn DSN to connect * @param string $user username * @param string $pass passwords */ function add_writer_to_tests( $name, $dsn, $user, $pass ) { global $ini; \RedUNIT\Base::addToDriverList( $name ); R::addDatabase( $name, $dsn, $user, $pass ); $ini[ $name ] = TRUE; } /** * A simple print function that works * both for CLI and HTML. * * @param string $text */ function printtext( $text ) { if ( $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ) { echo "<BR>" . $text; } else { echo "\n" . $text; } } /** * Tests whether a === b. The minimalistic core of this little * unit test framework. * * @global integer $tests * * @param mixed $a value for A * @param mixed $b value for B */ function asrt( $a, $b ) { if ( $a === $b ) { global $tests; $tests++; print( "[" . $tests . "]" ); } else { printtext( "FAILED TEST: EXPECTED $b BUT GOT: $a " ); fail(); } } /** * called when a test is passed. prints the test number to the screen. */ function pass() { global $tests; $tests++; print( "[" . $tests . "]" ); } /** * called when a test fails. shows debug info and exits. */ function fail() { printtext( "FAILED TEST" ); debug_print_backtrace(); exit( 1 ); } /** * prints out the name of the current test pack. * * @param string $name name of the test pack */ function testpack( $name ) { printtext( "\n\tSub testpack: " . $name . " \n\t" ); } /** * prints out the name of the current test pack. * * @param string $name name of the test pack */ function maintestpack( $name ) { printtext( "\n\nTestpack: " . $name . " \n\t" ); } /** * Quickly resolves the formatted table name */ function tbl( $table ) { return R::$writer->getFormattedTableName( $table ); } /** * Quickly resolves the formatted ID */ function ID( $table ) { return R::$writer->getIDField( $table ); } /** * Emulates legacy function for use with older tests. */ function set1toNAssoc( $a, \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean $bean1, \RedBeanPHP\OODBBean $bean2 ) { $type = $bean1->getMeta( "type" ); $a->clearRelations( $bean2, $type ); $a->associate( $bean1, $bean2 ); if ( count( $a->related( $bean2, $type ) ) === 1 ) { ; } else { throw new \RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL( "Failed to enforce 1-N Relation for $type " ); } } /** * Returns all property values of beans as a * comma separated string sorted. * * @param array $beans beans * @param string $property name of the property * * @return string $values values */ function getList( $beans, $property ) { $items = array(); foreach ( $beans as $bean ) { $items[] = $bean->$property; } sort( $items ); return implode( ",", $items ); } /** * Helper function to test IDs * * @param array $array array */ function testids( $array ) { foreach ( $array as $key => $bean ) { asrt( intval( $key ), intval( $bean->getID() ) ); } } /** * Group modifier function. Tests random modifications * of groups of beans. For use with tests that test N:1 relation mapping * features. * * @param mixed $book3 book * @param mixed $quotes quotes * @param mixed $pictures pictures * @param mixed $topics topics */ function modgr( $book3, $quotes, $pictures, $topics ) { $key = array_rand( $quotes ); $quote = $quotes[$key]; $keyPic = array_rand( $pictures ); $picture = $pictures[$keyPic]; $keyTop = array_rand( $topics ); $topic = $topics[$keyTop]; if ( rand( 0, 1 ) ) { $f = 0; foreach ( $book3->ownQuote as $z ) { if ( $z->note == $quote->note ) { $f = 1; break; } } if ( !$f ) { //echo "\n add a quote "; $book3->ownQuote[] = $quote; } } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) ) { $f = 0; foreach ( $book3->ownPicture as $z ) { if ( $z->note == $picture->note ) { $f = 1; break; } } if ( !$f ) { // echo "\n add a picture "; $book3->ownPicture[] = $picture; } } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) ) { $f = 0; foreach ( $book3->sharedTopic as $z ) { if ( $z->note == $topic->note ) { $f = 1; break; } } if ( !$f ) { $book3->sharedTopic[] = $topic; } } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->ownQuote ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->ownQuote ); unset( $book3->ownQuote[$key] ); } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->ownPicture ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->ownPicture ); unset( $book3->ownPicture[$key] ); } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->sharedTopic ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->sharedTopic ); unset( $book3->sharedTopic[$key] ); } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->ownPicture ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->ownPicture ); $book3->ownPicture[$key]->change = rand( 0, 100 ); } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->ownQuote ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->ownQuote ); $book3->ownQuote[$key]->change = 'note ch ' . rand( 0, 100 ); } if ( rand( 0, 1 ) && count( $book3->sharedTopic ) > 0 ) { $key = array_rand( $book3->sharedTopic ); $book3->sharedTopic[$key]->change = rand( 0, 100 ); } } /** * SetGet function, sets a value in a bean and retrieves it again * after storage, useful for tests that want to make sure the same value * that gets in, comes out again. * * @param mixed $val the value that needs to be preserved * * @return mixed $val the value as returned after storage-retrieval cycle. */ function setget( $val ) { R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense( "page" ); $bean->prop = $val; $id = R::store( $bean ); $bean = R::load( "page", $id ); return $bean->prop; } /** * Wrapper function to test BeanCan Server, does the boring * plumming work. * * @param mixed $data Data for JSON-RPC request object * @param mixed $params Parameters for JSON-RPC request object * @param string $id Identification of JSON-RPC request to connect to response * * @return string $out Output JSON from BeanCan server. */ function fakeBeanCanServerRequest( $data, $params = NULL, $id = "1234", $whiteList = 'all' ) { $j = array( "jsonrpc" => "2.0", "method" => $data, "params" => $params, "id" => $id ); $can = new \RedBeanPHP\Plugin\BeanCan; $request = json_encode( $j ); $can->setWhitelist( $whiteList ); $out = $can->handleJSONRequest( $request ); return $out; } /** * Candy Cane Factory. Produces lots of candy canes. * * @return array $canes canes */ function candy_canes() { $canes = R::dispense( 'cane', 10 ); $i = 0; foreach ( $canes as $k => $cane ) { $canes[$k]->label = 'Cane No. ' . ( $i++ ); } $canes[0]->cane = $canes[1]; $canes[1]->cane = $canes[4]; $canes[9]->cane = $canes[4]; $canes[6]->cane = $canes[4]; $canes[4]->cane = $canes[7]; $canes[8]->cane = $canes[7]; return $canes; } /** * Returns an array containing the index names of all * indexes on the specified table name. * * @param $tableNoQ table name without quotes or backticks * * @return array */ function getIndexes( $tableNoQ ) { $writer = R::getWriter(); if ( ( $writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\MySQL ) || ( $writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\CUBRID ) ) { $indexes = array(); $list = R::getAll( "SHOW INDEX FROM `{$tableNoQ}`" ); foreach( $list as $listItem ) { $indexes[] = $listItem['Key_name']; } return $indexes; } if ( ( $writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\SQLiteT ) ) { $indexes = array(); $list = R::getAll( " pragma index_list(`{$tableNoQ}`) " ); foreach( $list as $listItem ) { $indexes[] = $listItem['name']; } return $indexes; } if ( ( $writer instanceof \RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\PostgreSQL ) ) { return R::getCol( " SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = '{$tableNoQ}' AND schemaname = 'public' " ); } return array(); } function are_cols_in_unique( $type, $properties ) { sort( $properties ); $propertyFootprint = implode( ',', $properties ); $uniques = get_uniques_for_type( $type ); foreach( $uniques as $unique ) { sort( $unique ); $uniqueFootprint = implode( ',', $unique ); if ( $uniqueFootprint === $propertyFootprint ) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function get_uniques_for_type( $type ) { $list = array(); $writer = R::getWriter(); $adapter = R::getDatabaseAdapter(); global $currentDriver; switch( $currentDriver ) { case 'mysql': $table = $writer->esc( $type, TRUE ); $columns = $adapter->get(' SELECT information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name, information_schema.key_column_usage.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage ON ( information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_name = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_schema = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_schema AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_catalog = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_catalog ) WHERE information_schema.table_constraints.table_schema IN (SELECT DATABASE()) AND information_schema.table_constraints.table_name = ? AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_type = \'UNIQUE\' ', array( $table ) ); $uniques = array(); foreach( $columns as $key => $column ) { foreach( $column as $field => $value ) { $columns[$key][strtolower($field)] = $value; } } foreach( $columns as $column ) { if ( !isset( $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ] ) ) $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ] = array(); $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ][] = $column['column_name']; } $list = $uniques; break; case 'pgsql': $table = $writer->esc( $type, TRUE ); $columns = $adapter->get(' SELECT information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name, information_schema.key_column_usage.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage ON ( information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_name = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_name AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_schema = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_schema AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_catalog = information_schema.key_column_usage.constraint_catalog ) WHERE information_schema.table_constraints.table_catalog = current_database() AND information_schema.key_column_usage.table_schema = ANY( current_schemas( FALSE ) ) AND information_schema.table_constraints.table_name = ? AND information_schema.table_constraints.constraint_type = \'UNIQUE\' ', array( $table ) ); $uniques = array(); foreach( $columns as $column ) { if ( !isset( $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ] ) ) $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ] = array(); $uniques[ $column['constraint_name'] ][] = $column['column_name']; } $list= $uniques; break; case 'sqlite': $uniques = array(); $table = $writer->esc( $type, TRUE ); $indexes = $adapter->get( "PRAGMA index_list({$table})" ); foreach( $indexes as $index ) { if ( $index['unique'] == 1 ) { $info = $adapter->get( "PRAGMA index_info({$index['name']})" ); if ( !isset( $uniques[$index['name']] ) ) $uniques[$index['name']] = array(); foreach( $info as $piece ) { $uniques[$index['name']][] = $piece['name']; } } } $list = $uniques; break; case 'CUBRID': try { $sqlCode = $adapter->get("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$type}`"); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $sqlCode = ''; } if (!isset($sqlCode[0])) return array(); $matches = array(); preg_match_all('/CONSTRAINT\s+\[([\w_]+)\]\s+UNIQUE\s+KEY\s+\(([^\)]+)\)/', $sqlCode[0]['CREATE TABLE'], $matches); $list = array(); if (!isset($matches[0])) return $list; $max = count($matches[0]); for($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $columns = explode(',', $matches[2][$i]); foreach( $columns as $key => $column ) { $columns[$key] = trim( $column, '[] '); } $list[ $matches[1][$i] ] = $columns; } break; } return $list; } //array_column PHP 7 implementation function colfield( $objects, $field ) { $ids = array(); foreach($objects as $object) $ids[] = $object->{$field}; return $ids; }