namespace RedBeanPHP\Repository;
use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\BeanHelper as BeanHelper;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQLException;
use RedBeanPHP\Repository as Repository;
* Fluid Repository.
* OODB manages two repositories, a fluid one that
* adjust the database schema on-the-fly to accommodate for
* new bean types (tables) and new properties (columns) and
* a frozen one for use in a production environment. OODB
* allows you to swap the repository instances using the freeze()
* method.
* @file RedBeanPHP/Repository/Fluid.php
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community
* @license BSD/GPLv2
* @copyright
* copyright (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Fluid extends Repository
* Figures out the desired type given the cast string ID.
* Given a cast ID, this method will return the associated
* type (INT(10) or VARCHAR for instance). The returned type
* can be processed by the Query Writer to build the specified
* column for you in the database. The Cast ID is actually just
* a superset of the QueryWriter types. In addition to default
* Query Writer column types you can pass the following 'cast types':
* 'id' and 'string'. These will map to Query Writer specific
* column types (probably INT and VARCHAR).
* @param string $cast cast identifier
* @return integer
private function getTypeFromCast( $cast )
if ( $cast == 'string' ) {
$typeno = $this->writer->scanType( 'STRING' );
} elseif ( $cast == 'id' ) {
$typeno = $this->writer->getTypeForID();
} elseif ( isset( $this->writer->sqltype_typeno[$cast] ) ) {
$typeno = $this->writer->sqltype_typeno[$cast];
} else {
throw new RedException( 'Invalid Cast' );
return $typeno;
* Orders the Query Writer to create a table if it does not exist already and
* adds a note in the build report about the creation.
* @param OODBBean $bean bean to update report of
* @param string $table table to check and create if not exists
* @return void
private function createTableIfNotExists( OODBBean $bean, $table )
//Does table exist? If not, create
if ( !$this->tableExists( $this->writer->esc( $table, TRUE ) ) ) {
$this->writer->createTable( $table );
$bean->setMeta( 'buildreport.flags.created', TRUE );
* Modifies the table to fit the bean data.
* Given a property and a value and the bean, this method will
* adjust the table structure to fit the requirements of the property and value.
* This may include adding a new column or widening an existing column to hold a larger
* or different kind of value. This method employs the writer to adjust the table
* structure in the database. Schema updates are recorded in meta properties of the bean.
* This method will also apply indexes, unique constraints and foreign keys.
* @param OODBBean $bean bean to get cast data from and store meta in
* @param string $property property to store
* @param mixed $value value to store
* @param array|NULL &$columns
* @return void
private function modifySchema( OODBBean $bean, $property, $value, &$columns = NULL )
$doFKStuff = FALSE;
$table = $bean->getMeta( 'type' );
if ($columns === NULL) {
$columns = $this->writer->getColumns( $table );
$columnNoQ = $this->writer->esc( $property, TRUE );
if ( !$this->oodb->isChilled( $bean->getMeta( 'type' ) ) ) {
if ( $bean->getMeta( "cast.$property", -1 ) !== -1 ) { //check for explicitly specified types
$cast = $bean->getMeta( "cast.$property" );
$typeno = $this->getTypeFromCast( $cast );
} else {
$cast = FALSE;
$typeno = $this->writer->scanType( $value, TRUE );
if ( isset( $columns[$this->writer->esc( $property, TRUE )] ) ) { //Is this property represented in the table ?
if ( !$cast ) { //rescan without taking into account special types >80
$typeno = $this->writer->scanType( $value, FALSE );
$sqlt = $this->writer->code( $columns[$this->writer->esc( $property, TRUE )] );
if ( $typeno > $sqlt ) { //no, we have to widen the database column type
$this->writer->widenColumn( $table, $property, $typeno );
$bean->setMeta( 'buildreport.flags.widen', TRUE );
$doFKStuff = TRUE;
} else {
$this->writer->addColumn( $table, $property, $typeno );
$bean->setMeta( 'buildreport.flags.addcolumn', TRUE );
$doFKStuff = TRUE;
if ($doFKStuff) {
if (strrpos($columnNoQ, '_id')===(strlen($columnNoQ)-3)) {
$destinationColumnNoQ = substr($columnNoQ, 0, strlen($columnNoQ)-3);
$indexName = "index_foreignkey_{$table}_{$destinationColumnNoQ}";
$this->writer->addIndex($table, $indexName, $columnNoQ);
$typeof = $bean->getMeta("sys.typeof.{$destinationColumnNoQ}", $destinationColumnNoQ);
$isLink = $bean->getMeta( 'sys.buildcommand.unique', FALSE );
//Make FK CASCADING if part of exclusive list (dependson=typeof) or if link bean
$isDep = ( $bean->moveMeta( 'sys.buildcommand.fkdependson' ) === $typeof || is_array( $isLink ) );
$result = $this->writer->addFK( $table, $typeof, $columnNoQ, 'id', $isDep );
//If this is a link bean and all unique columns have been added already, then apply unique constraint
if ( is_array( $isLink ) && !count( array_diff( $isLink, array_keys( $this->writer->getColumns( $table ) ) ) ) ) {
$this->writer->addUniqueConstraint( $table, $bean->moveMeta('sys.buildcommand.unique') );
$bean->setMeta("sys.typeof.{$destinationColumnNoQ}", NULL);
* Part of the store() functionality.
* Handles all new additions after the bean has been saved.
* Stores addition bean in own-list, extracts the id and
* adds a foreign key. Also adds a constraint in case the type is
* in the dependent list.
* Note that this method raises a custom exception if the bean
* is not an instance of OODBBean. Therefore it does not use
* a type hint. This allows the user to take action in case
* invalid objects are passed in the list.
* @param OODBBean $bean bean to process
* @param array $ownAdditions list of addition beans in own-list
* @return void
protected function processAdditions( $bean, $ownAdditions )
$beanType = $bean->getMeta( 'type' );
foreach ( $ownAdditions as $addition ) {
if ( $addition instanceof OODBBean ) {
$myFieldLink = $beanType . '_id';
$alias = $bean->getMeta( 'sys.alias.' . $addition->getMeta( 'type' ) );
if ( $alias ) $myFieldLink = $alias . '_id';
$addition->$myFieldLink = $bean->id;
$addition->setMeta( 'cast.' . $myFieldLink, 'id' );
if ($alias) {
$addition->setMeta( "sys.typeof.{$alias}", $beanType );
} else {
$addition->setMeta( "sys.typeof.{$beanType}", $beanType );
$this->store( $addition );
} else {
throw new RedException( 'Array may only contain OODBBeans' );
* Stores a cleaned bean; i.e. only scalar values. This is the core of the store()
* method. When all lists and embedded beans (parent objects) have been processed and
* removed from the original bean the bean is passed to this method to be stored
* in the database.
* @param OODBBean $bean the clean bean
* @return void
protected function storeBean( OODBBean $bean )
if ( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ) ) {
$this->check( $bean );
$table = $bean->getMeta( 'type' );
$this->createTableIfNotExists( $bean, $table );
$updateValues = array();
$partial = ( $this->partialBeans === TRUE || ( is_array( $this->partialBeans ) && in_array( $table, $this->partialBeans ) ) );
if ( $partial ) {
$mask = $bean->getMeta( 'changelist' );
$bean->setMeta( 'changelist', array() );
$columnCache = NULL;
foreach ( $bean as $property => $value ) {
if ( $partial && !in_array( $property, $mask ) ) continue;
if ( $property !== 'id' ) {
$this->modifySchema( $bean, $property, $value, $columnCache );
if ( $property !== 'id' ) {
$updateValues[] = array( 'property' => $property, 'value' => $value );
$bean->id = $this->writer->updateRecord( $table, $updateValues, $bean->id );
$bean->setMeta( 'changed', FALSE );
$bean->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
* Exception handler.
* Fluid and Frozen mode have different ways of handling
* exceptions. Fluid mode (using the fluid repository) ignores
* exceptions caused by the following:
* - missing tables
* - missing column
* In these situations, the repository will behave as if
* no beans could be found. This is because in fluid mode
* it might happen to query a table or column that has not been
* created yet. In frozen mode, this is not supposed to happen
* and the corresponding exceptions will be thrown.
* @param \Exception $exception exception
* @return void
protected function handleException( \Exception $exception )
if ( !$this->writer->sqlStateIn( $exception->getSQLState(),
$exception->getDriverDetails() )
) {
throw $exception;
* Loads a bean from the object database.
* It searches for a OODBBean Bean Object in the
* database. It does not matter how this bean has been stored.
* RedBean uses the primary key ID $id and the string $type
* to find the bean. The $type specifies what kind of bean you
* are looking for; this is the same type as used with the
* dispense() function. If RedBean finds the bean it will return
* the OODB Bean object; if it cannot find the bean
* RedBean will return a new bean of type $type and with
* primary key ID 0. In the latter case it acts basically the
* same as dispense().
* Important note:
* If the bean cannot be found in the database a new bean of
* the specified type will be generated and returned.
* @param string $type type of bean you want to load
* @param integer $id ID of the bean you want to load
* @return OODBBean
public function load( $type, $id )
$rows = array();
$bean = $this->dispense( $type );
if ( isset( $this->stash[$this->nesting][$id] ) ) {
$row = $this->stash[$this->nesting][$id];
} else {
try {
$rows = $this->writer->queryRecord( $type, array( 'id' => array( $id ) ) );
} catch ( SQLException $exception ) {
if (
) {
$rows = array();
} else {
throw $exception;
if ( !count( $rows ) ) {
return $bean;
$row = array_pop( $rows );
$bean->importRow( $row );
$this->oodb->signal( 'open', $bean );
return $bean->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );