namespace RedBeanPHP\Driver;
use RedBeanPHP\Driver as Driver;
use RedBeanPHP\Logger as Logger;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\AQueryWriter as AQueryWriter;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException;
use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQL;
use RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault as RDefault;
use RedBeanPHP\PDOCompatible as PDOCompatible;
use RedBeanPHP\Cursor\PDOCursor as PDOCursor;
* PDO Driver
* This Driver implements the RedBean Driver API.
* for RedBeanPHP. This is the standard / default database driver
* for RedBeanPHP.
* @file RedBeanPHP/PDO.php
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community, Desfrenes
* @license BSD/GPLv2
* @copyright
* copyright (c) Desfrenes & Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP community
* This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class RPDO implements Driver
* @var integer
protected $max;
* @var string
protected $dsn;
* @var boolean
protected $loggingEnabled = FALSE;
* @var Logger|NULL
protected $logger = NULL;
* @var \PDO|NULL
protected $pdo;
* @var integer
protected $affectedRows;
* @var array
protected $resultArray;
* @var array
protected $connectInfo = array();
* @var boolean
protected $isConnected = FALSE;
* @var bool
protected $flagUseStringOnlyBinding = FALSE;
* @var integer
protected $queryCounter = 0;
* @var string
protected $mysqlCharset = '';
* @var string
protected $mysqlCollate = '';
* @var boolean
protected $stringifyFetches = TRUE;
* @var string|NULL
protected $initSQL = NULL;
* @var callable|NULL
protected $initCode = NULL;
* Binds parameters. This method binds parameters to a PDOStatement for
* Query Execution. This method binds parameters as NULL, INTEGER or STRING
* and supports both named keys and question mark keys.
* @param \PDOStatement $statement PDO Statement instance
* @param array $bindings values that need to get bound to the statement
* @return void
protected function bindParams( $statement, $bindings )
foreach ( $bindings as $key => &$value ) {
$k = is_integer( $key ) ? $key + 1 : $key;
if ( is_array( $value ) && count( $value ) == 2 ) {
$paramType = end( $value );
$value = reset( $value );
} else {
$paramType = NULL;
if ( is_null( $value ) ) {
$statement->bindValue( $k, NULL, \PDO::PARAM_NULL );
if ( $paramType != \PDO::PARAM_INT && $paramType != \PDO::PARAM_STR ) {
if ( !$this->flagUseStringOnlyBinding && AQueryWriter::canBeTreatedAsInt( $value ) && abs( $value ) <= $this->max ) {
$paramType = \PDO::PARAM_INT;
} else {
$paramType = \PDO::PARAM_STR;
$statement->bindParam( $k, $value, $paramType );
* This method runs the actual SQL query and binds a list of parameters to the query.
* slots. The result of the query will be stored in the protected property
* $rs (always array). The number of rows affected (result of rowcount, if supported by database)
* is stored in protected property $affectedRows. If the debug flag is set
* this function will send debugging output to screen buffer.
* @param string $sql the SQL string to be send to database server
* @param array $bindings the values that need to get bound to the query slots
* @param array $options
* @return mixed
* @throws SQL
public function runQuery( $sql, $bindings, $options = array() )
if ( $this->loggingEnabled && $this->logger ) {
$this->logger->log( $sql, $bindings );
try {
if ( strpos( 'pgsql', $this->dsn ) === 0 ) {
$statement = @$this->pdo->prepare($sql, array(\PDO::PGSQL_ATTR_DISABLE_NATIVE_PREPARED_STATEMENT => TRUE));
} else {
$statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
} else {
$statement = $this->pdo->prepare( $sql );
$this->bindParams( $statement, $bindings );
$this->queryCounter ++;
$this->affectedRows = $statement->rowCount();
if ( isset( $options['noFetch'] ) && $options['noFetch'] ) {
$this->resultArray = array();
return $statement;
if ( $statement->columnCount() ) {
$fetchStyle = ( isset( $options['fetchStyle'] ) ) ? $options['fetchStyle'] : NULL;
if ( is_null( $fetchStyle) ) {
$this->resultArray = $statement->fetchAll();
} else {
$this->resultArray = $statement->fetchAll( $fetchStyle );
if ( $this->loggingEnabled && $this->logger ) {
$this->logger->log( 'resultset: ' . count( $this->resultArray ) . ' rows' );
} else {
$this->resultArray = array();
} catch ( \PDOException $e ) {
//Unfortunately the code field is supposed to be int by default (php)
//So we need a property to convey the SQL State code.
$err = $e->getMessage();
if ( $this->loggingEnabled && $this->logger ) $this->logger->log( 'An error occurred: ' . $err );
$exception = new SQL( $err, 0, $e );
$exception->setSQLState( $e->getCode() );
$exception->setDriverDetails( $e->errorInfo );
throw $exception;
* Try to fix MySQL character encoding problems.
* MySQL < 5.5.3 does not support proper 4 byte unicode but they
* seem to have added it with version 5.5.3 under a different label: utf8mb4.
* We try to select the best possible charset based on your version data.
* @return void
protected function setEncoding()
$driver = $this->pdo->getAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME );
if ($driver === 'mysql') {
$charset = $this->hasCap( 'utf8mb4' ) ? 'utf8mb4' : 'utf8';
$collate = $this->hasCap( 'utf8mb4_520' ) ? '_unicode_520_ci' : '_unicode_ci';
$this->pdo->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET NAMES '. $charset ); //on every re-connect
/* #624 removed space before SET NAMES because it causes trouble with ProxySQL */
$this->pdo->exec('SET NAMES '. $charset); //also for current connection
$this->mysqlCharset = $charset;
$this->mysqlCollate = $charset . $collate;
* Determine if a database supports a particular feature.
* Currently this function can be used to detect the following features:
* - utf8mb4
* - utf8mb4 520
* Usage:
* <code>
* $this->hasCap( 'utf8mb4_520' );
* </code>
* By default, RedBeanPHP uses this method under the hood to make sure
* you use the latest UTF8 encoding possible for your database.
* @param string $db_cap identifier of database capability
* @return int|false Whether the database feature is supported, FALSE otherwise.
protected function hasCap( $db_cap )
$compare = FALSE;
$version = $this->pdo->getAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION );
switch ( strtolower( $db_cap ) ) {
case 'utf8mb4':
//oneliner, to boost code coverage (coverage does not span versions)
if ( version_compare( $version, '5.5.3', '<' ) ) { return FALSE; }
$client_version = $this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION );
* libmysql has supported utf8mb4 since 5.5.3, same as the MySQL server.
* mysqlnd has supported utf8mb4 since 5.0.9.
if ( strpos( $client_version, 'mysqlnd' ) !== FALSE ) {
$client_version = preg_replace( '/^\D+([\d.]+).*/', '$1', $client_version );
$compare = version_compare( $client_version, '5.0.9', '>=' );
} else {
$compare = version_compare( $client_version, '5.5.3', '>=' );
case 'utf8mb4_520':
$compare = version_compare( $version, '5.6', '>=' );
return $compare;
* Constructor. You may either specify dsn, user and password or
* just give an existing PDO connection.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $driver = new RPDO( $dsn, $user, $password );
* </code>
* The example above illustrates how to create a driver
* instance from a database connection string (dsn), a username
* and a password. It's also possible to pass a PDO object.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $driver = new RPDO( $existingConnection );
* </code>
* The second example shows how to create an RPDO instance
* from an existing PDO object.
* @param string|\PDO $dsn database connection string
* @param string $user optional, username to sign in
* @param string $pass optional, password for connection login
* @return void
public function __construct( $dsn, $user = NULL, $pass = NULL, $options = array() )
if ( is_object( $dsn ) ) {
$this->pdo = $dsn;
$this->isConnected = TRUE;
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,\PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
// make sure that the dsn at least contains the type
$this->dsn = $this->getDatabaseType();
} else {
$this->dsn = $dsn;
$this->connectInfo = array( 'pass' => $pass, 'user' => $user );
if (is_array($options)) $this->connectInfo['options'] = $options;
//PHP 5.3 PDO SQLite has a bug with large numbers:
if ( ( strpos( $this->dsn, 'sqlite' ) === 0 && PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 5 && PHP_MINOR_VERSION === 3 ) || defined('HHVM_VERSION') || $this->dsn === 'test-sqlite-53' ) {
$this->max = 2147483647; //otherwise you get -2147483648 ?! demonstrated in build #603 on Travis.
} elseif ( strpos( $this->dsn, 'cubrid' ) === 0 ) {
$this->max = 2147483647; //bindParam in pdo_cubrid also fails...
} else {
$this->max = PHP_INT_MAX; //the normal value of course (makes it possible to use large numbers in LIMIT clause)
* Sets PDO in stringify fetch mode.
* If set to TRUE, this method will make sure all data retrieved from
* the database will be fetched as a string. Default: TRUE.
* To set it to FALSE...
* Usage:
* <code>
* R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->stringifyFetches( FALSE );
* </code>
* Important!
* Note, this method only works if you set the value BEFORE the connection
* has been establish. Also, this setting ONLY works with SOME drivers.
* It's up to the driver to honour this setting.
* @param boolean $bool
public function stringifyFetches( $bool ) {
$this->stringifyFetches = $bool;
* Returns the best possible encoding for MySQL based on version data.
* This method can be used to obtain the best character set parameters
* possible for your database when constructing a table creation query
* containing clauses like: CHARSET=... COLLATE=...
* This is a MySQL-specific method and not part of the driver interface.
* Usage:
* <code>
* $charset_collate = $this->adapter->getDatabase()->getMysqlEncoding( TRUE );
* </code>
* @param boolean $retCol pass TRUE to return both charset/collate
* @return string|array
public function getMysqlEncoding( $retCol = FALSE )
if( $retCol )
return array( 'charset' => $this->mysqlCharset, 'collate' => $this->mysqlCollate );
return $this->mysqlCharset;
* Whether to bind all parameters as strings.
* If set to TRUE this will cause all integers to be bound as STRINGS.
* This will NOT affect NULL values.
* @param boolean $yesNo pass TRUE to bind all parameters as strings.
* @return void
public function setUseStringOnlyBinding( $yesNo )
$this->flagUseStringOnlyBinding = (boolean) $yesNo;
if ( $this->loggingEnabled && $this->logger && method_exists($this->logger,'setUseStringOnlyBinding')) {
$this->logger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( $this->flagUseStringOnlyBinding );
* Sets the maximum value to be bound as integer, normally
* this value equals PHP's MAX INT constant, however sometimes
* PDO driver bindings cannot bind large integers as integers.
* This method allows you to manually set the max integer binding
* value to manage portability/compatibility issues among different
* PHP builds. This method will return the old value.
* @param integer $max maximum value for integer bindings
* @return integer
public function setMaxIntBind( $max )
if ( !is_integer( $max ) ) throw new RedException( 'Parameter has to be integer.' );
$oldMax = $this->max;
$this->max = $max;
return $oldMax;
* Sets initialization code to execute upon connecting.
* @param callable|NULL $code
* @return void
public function setInitCode($code)
$this->initCode= $code;
* Establishes a connection to the database using PHP\PDO
* functionality. If a connection has already been established this
* method will simply return directly. This method also turns on
* UTF8 for the database and PDO-ERRMODE-EXCEPTION as well as
* @return void
public function connect()
if ( $this->isConnected ) return;
try {
$user = $this->connectInfo['user'];
$pass = $this->connectInfo['pass'];
$options = array();
if (isset($this->connectInfo['options']) && is_array($this->connectInfo['options'])) {
$options = $this->connectInfo['options'];
$this->pdo = new \PDO( $this->dsn, $user, $pass, $options );
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, $this->stringifyFetches );
//cant pass these as argument to constructor, CUBRID driver does not understand...
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
$this->isConnected = TRUE;
/* run initialisation query if any */
if ( $this->initSQL !== NULL ) {
$this->Execute( $this->initSQL );
$this->initSQL = NULL;
if ( $this->initCode !== NULL ) {
$code = $this->initCode;
$code( $this->pdo->getAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ) );
} catch ( \PDOException $exception ) {
$matches = array();
$dbname = ( preg_match( '/dbname=(\w+)/', $this->dsn, $matches ) ) ? $matches[1] : '?';
throw new \PDOException( 'Could not connect to database (' . $dbname . ').', $exception->getCode() );
* Directly sets PDO instance into driver.
* This method might improve performance, however since the driver does
* not configure this instance terrible things may happen... only use
* this method if you are an expert on RedBeanPHP, PDO and UTF8 connections and
* you know your database server VERY WELL.
* - connected TRUE|FALSE (treat this instance as connected, default: TRUE)
* - setEncoding TRUE|FALSE (let RedBeanPHP set encoding for you, default: TRUE)
* - setAttributes TRUE|FALSE (let RedBeanPHP set attributes for you, default: TRUE)*
* - setDSNString TRUE|FALSE (extract DSN string from PDO instance, default: TRUE)
* - stringFetch TRUE|FALSE (whether you want to stringify fetches or not, default: TRUE)
* - runInitCode TRUE|FALSE (run init code if any, default: TRUE)
* *attributes:
* - RedBeanPHP will ask database driver to throw Exceptions on errors (recommended for compatibility)
* - RedBeanPHP will ask database driver to use associative arrays when fetching (recommended for compatibility)
* @param \PDO $pdo PDO instance
* @param array $options Options to apply
* @return void
public function setPDO( \PDO $pdo, $options = array() ) {
$this->pdo = $pdo;
$connected = TRUE;
$setEncoding = TRUE;
$setAttributes = TRUE;
$setDSNString = TRUE;
$runInitCode = TRUE;
$stringFetch = TRUE;
if ( isset($options['connected']) ) $connected = $options['connected'];
if ( isset($options['setEncoding']) ) $setEncoding = $options['setEncoding'];
if ( isset($options['setAttributes']) ) $setAttributes = $options['setAttributes'];
if ( isset($options['setDSNString']) ) $setDSNString = $options['setDSNString'];
if ( isset($options['runInitCode']) ) $runInitCode = $options['runInitCode'];
if ( isset($options['stringFetch']) ) $stringFetch = $options['stringFetch'];
if ($connected) $this->isConnected = $connected;
if ($setEncoding) $this->setEncoding();
if ($setAttributes) {
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,\PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION );
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
$this->pdo->setAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES, $stringFetch );
if ($runInitCode) {
/* run initialisation query if any */
if ( $this->initSQL !== NULL ) {
$this->Execute( $this->initSQL );
$this->initSQL = NULL;
if ( $this->initCode !== NULL ) {
$code = $this->initCode;
$code( $this->pdo->getAttribute( \PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ) );
if ($setDSNString) $this->dsn = $this->getDatabaseType();
* @see Driver::GetAll
public function GetAll( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$this->runQuery( $sql, $bindings );
return $this->resultArray;
* @see Driver::GetAssocRow
public function GetAssocRow( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$this->runQuery( $sql, $bindings, array(
'fetchStyle' => \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC
return $this->resultArray;
* @see Driver::GetCol
public function GetCol( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$rows = $this->GetAll( $sql, $bindings );
if ( empty( $rows ) || !is_array( $rows ) ) {
return array();
$cols = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$cols[] = reset( $row );
return $cols;
* @see Driver::GetOne
public function GetOne( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$arr = $this->GetAll( $sql, $bindings );
if ( empty( $arr[0] ) || !is_array( $arr[0] ) ) {
return NULL;
return reset( $arr[0] );
* Alias for getOne().
* Backward compatibility.
* @param string $sql SQL
* @param array $bindings bindings
* @return string|NULL
public function GetCell( $sql, $bindings = array() )
return $this->GetOne( $sql, $bindings );
* @see Driver::GetRow
public function GetRow( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$arr = $this->GetAll( $sql, $bindings );
if ( is_array( $arr ) && count( $arr ) ) {
return reset( $arr );
return array();
* @see Driver::Execute
public function Execute( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$this->runQuery( $sql, $bindings );
return $this->affectedRows;
* @see Driver::GetInsertID
public function GetInsertID()
return (int) $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
* @see Driver::GetCursor
public function GetCursor( $sql, $bindings = array() )
$statement = $this->runQuery( $sql, $bindings, array( 'noFetch' => TRUE ) );
$cursor = new PDOCursor( $statement, \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
return $cursor;
* @see Driver::Affected_Rows
public function Affected_Rows()
return (int) $this->affectedRows;
* @see Driver::setDebugMode
public function setDebugMode( $tf, $logger = NULL )
$this->loggingEnabled = (bool) $tf;
if ( $this->loggingEnabled and !$logger ) {
$logger = new RDefault();
$this->setLogger( $logger );
* Injects Logger object.
* Sets the logger instance you wish to use.
* This method is for more fine-grained control. Normally
* you should use the facade to start the query debugger for
* you. The facade will manage the object wirings necessary
* to use the debugging functionality.
* Usage (through facade):
* <code>
* R::debug( TRUE );
* ...rest of program...
* R::debug( FALSE );
* </code>
* The example above illustrates how to use the RedBeanPHP
* query debugger through the facade.
* @param Logger $logger the logger instance to be used for logging
* @return self
public function setLogger( Logger $logger )
$this->logger = $logger;
return $this;
* Gets Logger object.
* Returns the currently active Logger instance.
* @return Logger
public function getLogger()
return $this->logger;
* @see Driver::StartTrans
public function StartTrans()
* @see Driver::CommitTrans
public function CommitTrans()
* @see Driver::FailTrans
public function FailTrans()
* Returns the name of database driver for PDO.
* Uses the PDO attribute DRIVER NAME to obtain the name of the
* PDO driver. Use this method to identify the current PDO driver
* used to provide access to the database. Example of a database
* driver string:
* <code>
* mysql
* </code>
* Usage:
* <code>
* echo R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getDatabaseType();
* </code>
* The example above prints the current database driver string to
* stdout.
* Note that this is a driver-specific method, not part of the
* driver interface. This method might not be available in other
* drivers since it relies on PDO.
* @return string
public function getDatabaseType()
return $this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME );
* Returns the version identifier string of the database client.
* This method can be used to identify the currently installed
* database client. Note that this method will also establish a connection
* (because this is required to obtain the version information).
* Example of a version string:
* <code>
* mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: b5c5906d452ec590732a93b051f3827e02749b83 $
* </code>
* Usage:
* <code>
* echo R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getDatabaseVersion();
* </code>
* The example above will print the version string to stdout.
* Note that this is a driver-specific method, not part of the
* driver interface. This method might not be available in other
* drivers since it relies on PDO.
* To obtain the database server version, use getDatabaseServerVersion()
* instead.
* @return mixed
public function getDatabaseVersion()
return $this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION );
* Returns the underlying PHP PDO instance.
* For some low-level database operations you'll need access to the PDO
* object. Not that this method is only available in RPDO and other
* PDO based database drivers for RedBeanPHP. Other drivers may not have
* a method like this. The following example demonstrates how to obtain
* a reference to the PDO instance from the facade:
* Usage:
* <code>
* $pdo = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getPDO();
* </code>
* @return \PDO
public function getPDO()
return $this->pdo;
* Closes the database connection.
* While database connections are closed automatically at the end of the PHP script,
* closing database connections is generally recommended to improve performance.
* Closing a database connection will immediately return the resources to PHP.
* Usage:
* <code>
* R::setup( ... );
* ... do stuff ...
* R::close();
* </code>
* @return void
public function close()
$this->pdo = NULL;
$this->isConnected = FALSE;
* Returns TRUE if the current PDO instance is connected.
* @return boolean
public function isConnected()
return $this->isConnected && $this->pdo;
* Toggles logging, enables or disables logging.
* @param boolean $enable TRUE to enable logging
* @return self
public function setEnableLogging( $enable )
$this->loggingEnabled = (boolean) $enable;
return $this;
* Resets the query counter.
* The query counter can be used to monitor the number
* of database queries that have
* been processed according to the database driver. You can use this
* to monitor the number of queries required to render a page.
* Usage:
* <code>
* R::resetQueryCount();
* echo R::getQueryCount() . ' queries processed.';
* </code>
* @return self
public function resetCounter()
$this->queryCounter = 0;
return $this;
* Returns the number of SQL queries processed.
* This method returns the number of database queries that have
* been processed according to the database driver. You can use this
* to monitor the number of queries required to render a page.
* Usage:
* <code>
* echo R::getQueryCount() . ' queries processed.';
* </code>
* @return integer
public function getQueryCount()
return $this->queryCounter;
* Returns the maximum value treated as integer parameter
* binding.
* This method is mainly for testing purposes but it can help
* you solve some issues relating to integer bindings.
* @return integer
public function getIntegerBindingMax()
return $this->max;
* Sets a query to be executed upon connecting to the database.
* This method provides an opportunity to configure the connection
* to a database through an SQL-based interface. Objects can provide
* an SQL string to be executed upon establishing a connection to
* the database. This has been used to solve issues with default
* foreign key settings in SQLite3 for instance, see Github issues:
* #545 and #548.
* @param string $sql SQL query to run upon connecting to database
* @return self
public function setInitQuery( $sql ) {
$this->initSQL = $sql;
return $this;
* Returns the version string from the database server.
* @return string
public function DatabaseServerVersion() {
return trim( strval( $this->pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION) ) );