PHP Classes

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975. Notable PHP package: PHP Person Name Case Corrector

Updated on: 2020-03-10

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Some systems of the past may have forced storing the names of people in all upper case letters or other form that is not the correct way to write their names.

This class can fix the case of personal names of people of several countries when the case is of the letters is not correct.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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974. Notable PHP package: Drupal Icon Module API

Updated on: 2020-03-08

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Drupal is a well known PHP based content management system. It provides the possibility to expand its capabilities by the means of installing modules developed by third-party developers.

This package implements a Drupal module that can be used to display a new set of icons in blocks, menus, filters and fields in sites served using Drupal.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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973. Notable PHP package: Check PHP Requirements

Updated on: 2020-03-06

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Every PHP application has requirements to be able to run properly.

Many developers spend a lot of time trying to install and run applications that have requirements which are not possible to satisfy in the current environment without making changes.

This package helps verifying many types of application requirements. It can be used to tell in advance to the developers that try to install them what they need to change in their environment before they get started installing and running an application.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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972. Notable PHP package: Symfony Create Bundle Skeleton

Updated on: 2020-03-04

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Symfony is a popular PHP framework used to develop many types of PHP based applications.

Symfony supports bundles which are basically components that can be reused by many applications.

This package implements a Web based application to help creating Symfony Bundles.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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971. Notable PHP package: PHP Windows exe Parser

Updated on: 2020-03-02

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Some applications need to check executable programs for the Windows operating system to extract relevant information that they may contain about those programs.

This class can parse and extract those program details from Windows executable program files by reading and parsing the files using built-in PHP functions, so it can be used also when running PHP on non-Windows operating systems.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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970. Notable PHP package: NatterBase PHP Get Country API

Updated on: 2020-02-28

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Many applications need to obtain information about countries that is vital for the operations that those applications need to perform, like for instance, what is the continent that a country belongs.

This package provides an API that can make country related information be provided to many applications at once.

Since the country information that is provided by the API can be also be updated via the same API, this package can be used to dynamically update the information related with countries that it provides.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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969. Notable PHP package: Arsenal PHP Singleton Trait

Updated on: 2020-02-26

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Singleton is a common design pattern used by many developers to assure that only one object of a class is created even if the software tries to create objects of that class more than once.

This package provides an alternative approach to assure that only one object of a class is created by using PHP constant values to keep track of the objects that are created.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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968. Notable PHP package: Oracle PHP Class Model

Updated on: 2020-02-24

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Most PHP applications need to store information in databases. Often they use model classes to map objects into database table records.

This package provides a base class to create model classes that can map object data into Oracle database table records.

These model classes require minimal configuration as they are able to extract the list of table fields from the database server automatically.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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967. Notable PHP package: Phing Build File Visualizer

Updated on: 2020-02-21

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Phing is a process automation tool written in PHP to help developers to automate tasks that they need to perform repeatedly to create their software projects

This is the case for instance of processes for generating scripts, classes and other types of files that can be used to access databases to retrieve table record data with minimal development effort.

This package can create graphical charts that present a visual representation of the automated processes defined in a Phing build file.

This allows PHP developers evaluate better the processes that they have designed to make their development efforts more efficient, so they can consider performing optimizations that can make those processes even more efficient.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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966. Notable PHP package: PHP Day Light Calculator

Updated on: 2020-02-19

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Many activities can only happen during the period of the day when there is light coming from the Sun. An example of that kind of activity can be for instance going to a beach to receive sunlight baths.

This class can calculate the number of hours of sunlight for a given location.

This way, users of a PHP application that uses this class may be aware of the length of the period of the day that they can use to benefit from the Sun Light.

Read this article to learn more details about how this notable PHP package works.

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